
One off Kaizen Events!

Do you or a member of your business have an idea for improvement?

Or perhaps you have a business symptom, that's telling you that something in your business is not quite right - such as customer complaints, lots of rework or mistakes or maybe a process is just taking way longer than it should be. 

Not sure where to start in the improvement process, or even if the improvement is worth making?

At Kaizen Can we help small companies who need the expertise of running “Kaizen Events” or improvement workshops without having to employ a full time continuous improvement consultant.

The key to a Kaizen can workshop is that we provide facilitation to your employees (or the project team) to empower them that will make the changes that are most truly impactful

We utilise the tried and tested DMAIC framework, a improvement project strategy found in Lean Six Sigma to help you and your employees to do the following:

  • Select the right team to work on the improvement project

  • Help you understand the value of your improvement project to your customers, your bottom line and your employees, before you start

  • Define the problem that needs improvement 

  • Help you understand what key data you should be collecting for your improvement, so you make decisions based on data and not emotion

  • Identify the real roots causes and therefore the real opportunities for improvement

  • Help your employees implement their proposed improvement, and document and standardise the new process

  • Work with the team on sustaining their improvement in the long term

Sound good? Got a project in mind? Why not give us a call?

Want to run an improvement event?

Contact Us